Our Events
Below are a selection of the events we put on. Click the link below to learn more about each event.

Kent Farmers Market
The Kent Farmers Market is another project of the Kent Lions & Foundation. We helped establish this event in 1974, and after ownership by other organizations, the City of Kent asked us to take over the market and revitalize it. This market is the oldest market in King County, and is held at & next to the Town Square Plaza Park. Presenting up to 100 vendors each Saturday from June through September

Kent Cornucopia Days
Kent Cornucopia Days is an Annual Festival/Street Fair in Downtown Kent & surrounding areas. Our festival is a community service project of the Kent Lions & Foundation and is completely run by volunteers who insure that our premier event benefits over 250 charitable organizations.

Kent Winterfest
Kent Winterfest is the Kent Lions gift to the community of Kent, WA. Held each December, it includes the official Kent Christmas Tree and Park Lighting Ceremony at Town Square Plaza.
Our Calendar
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